Cafe Bangkok - Reviews from across the web
igougo: cafe bangkok - bodega bay restaurants, california this restaurant was on the list of the take out menu which is in every room at the courtyard. the choices are vast, and we felt like having thai for that evening. they accept credit cards, and there is a $6.5...
Novato Thai Novato Reviews of Cafe Bangkok Restaurant CA 94947 (415)899-9967, restaurant that cooks up all the usual suspects. Ask for the recommended dishes. The owners will steer you to the better stuff. Everything is made here, so you're getting fresh but not spectacular cooking. Can be a little too heavy on the fish sauce and salt. Dinner for two who eat a lot of food wil...
Cafe Bangkok - Novato, CA Mixed review on this restaurant. They automatically got a free star because they brought me vegetarian soup with my vegetarian order - excellent move on their part. The soup and the thai iced tea were good. I ordered pad thai, sometimes use this as a litmus test for a thai place. The noodles were to...