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Lives in:
Medicine Hat , Canada
About Me:
I can't sit still - I've lived in Scotland, worked with South Africans, Spanish, Australians, Americans, Swedish, etc, slept on a park bench in Spain, and been lost in every other city I've ever visited.

I've touched the tallest mountain in Jamaica, taught Jamaican kids how to play dominoes, eaten goat, ackee, mackerel and dumplings and have partied in the country until the sun came up.

Spoken Languages:
English and a little Spanish
Favorite Cuisines:
Spanish, Thai
Favorite Destinations:
The Jamaican Countryside (Accompong, Brighton, Red Light), Barcelona, Edinburgh, Northern Saskatchewan, Thunder Bay
Favorite Books and Authors:
The Dice Man - Luke Rhinehart, 1984 - George Orwell, The Tipping Point - Malcolm Gladwell, David Suzuki's Autobiography, Revenge of the Land - Maggie Siggins, Guns Germs and Steel - Jared Diamond
Favorite Movies:
Snatch, Pulp Fiction, Office Space, Super Troopers, Fubar, Boondock Saints
Most Memorable Travel Experience:
When I declined to take the last bus of the night from Girona, Spain into Barcelona because I convinced myself that I could find a hostel at midnight in early April.
I spent the next 3 hours looking and the best I could find was the park bench across from the train station. I laid down, hugged my backpack and got an hour of sleep.
My girlfriend woke me up because she was cold and we tried to find somewhere warmer to go - like a 24 hour store. No dice - turns out that's a North American thing ...
Anyways, we found an apartment block with a broken door and spent the next few hours trying to sleep on the marble floor of the lobby.

Favorite Quote:
I never let school get in the way of my education - Mark Twain

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December 15, 2011 8:53 am 
Hello dear, Glad to meet you. Can we establish a sincere relationship with Love and Trust.? I am Miss lilian by name. My search ended after i come across your profile, How about you ending yours? I hope you get in contact? Write me direct to my e-mail id (lilianbaby58@yahoo.com). I will send you my pictures and introduce myself more to you. Yours eternal, Miss Lilian.
April 29, 2007 8:28 pm 
hello, fellow cdn
April 25, 2007 12:36 am 
I thought your memorable travel experience was funny... Was your girlfriend really mad afterwards?
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